[1]Our clients give generously to charities and non-profits, and at ShindelRock our team shares your commitment to these worthy causes. That’s why we’re pleased to introduce a new matching program [2] for a Michigan 501(c)3 organization that is important to our ShindelRock staff and families: Michigan Hands & Voices [3].
This organization, headquartered in Southeast Michigan, helps children who are deaf or hard of hearing reach their full potential by funding programs and activities that support them and their families. Their Guide By Your SideTM program in particular is a crucial resource allowing parents of deaf or hard of hearing children to connect with each other for emotional and practical support. For more information on Michigan Hands & Voices, visit www.mihandsandvoices.org.
For every dollar our clients donate this tax season to Michigan Hands & Voices, ShindelRock will match the donation up to $5,000. We join our clients in supporting the organizations that make a difference in our community, and we thank you for participating!
**If you’d like to donate to Michigan Hands & Voices, please complete the form here [2] and return to Michelle Bruner at ShindelRock. ShindelRock will match your gift and you will receive the amount you have pledged in your name as a tax deduction for 2016. ShindelRock will add the donation amount specified below to your next invoice.**