Why your CPA cares about your passwords, and why they might affect your business

passwordAs accountants we are always looking for internal controls to protect assets, whether they are personal or company.  Passwords–good ones–are a first line of defense against someone (an employee or external threat) hacking into your business’ most important data troves.

The big news with this year’s list is that “123456” has dethroned the perennial champion, “password.” We’re not sure whether that’s a good sign or a bad sign, but we’re leaning toward the latter. In fact, many of the list’s newcomers are simply longer chronological strings of numbers. It would seem that when your “123456” password gets hacked, the popular solution is to add a “7.”

Below, is a list the 25 worst passwords online. If yours is included, seriously think about making a change.

1. 123456

2. password

3. 12345678

4. qwerty

5. abc123

6. 123456789

7. 111111

8. 1234567

9. iloveyou

10. adobe123

11. 123123

12. admin

13. 1234567890

14. letmein

15. photoshop

16. 1234

17. monkey

18. shadow

19. sunshine

20. 12345

21. password1

22. princess

23. azerty

24. trustno1

25. 000000