Category: SR Team

Freelance Hustle podcast: “Everything you need to know about write offs” with Karla Harrington

Karla Harrington was a guest on season two of the podcast Freelance Hustle, discussing ways small businesses owners and freelancers may qualify for tax write-offs of legitimate business expenses. She provides an overview of write-offs and why they are beneficial...

ShindelRock acquires accounting firm Kushner, Kippelman & Taub

ShindelRock is pleased to announce the acquisition of Farmington Hills-based accounting firm Kushner, Kippelman & Taub.  The addition of the KK&T team of accounting professionals gives ShindelRock more resources to service clients' assurance and business tax strategy and preparation needs. Please help us welcome...

ShindelRock partner Marianne Lilly re-appointed to the Michigan Association of CPA (MICPA) board of directors

  • September 25, 2019
  • Mark Hughes CPA CFE

Congratulations to ShindelRock partner Marianne Lilly on her re-appointment to the Michigan Association of CPA (MICPA) board of directors, for an additional three-year term!

Journey to CPA: Advice for Preparing for the CPA Exam from Julia Locke, Staff Accountant

  • September 23, 2019
  • Steve Wisinski, CPA, MAFF

Congratulations to our Staff Accountant Julia Locke, who passed the first of four parts of the CPA exam! At ShindelRock, we encourage our accounting staff to reach for their professional aspirations, and for many, that includes this rigorous but valuable...

Manager Karla Harrington is now a QuickBooks Certified ProAdvisor

ShindelRock Manager Karla Harrington was recently certified as a Quickbooks Certified ProAdvisor! A QB ProAdvisor is a QuickBooks accounting pro who can provide strategic insights to drive small business success. ShindelRock tax and accounting professionals use their expertise in both...

Help ShindelRock support Kennedy’s Disease Association (KDA) by making a donation to Ed Montie 5K

[caption id="attachment_4707" align="alignright" width="150"] ShindelRock friends and family at KDA's Ed Montie 5K in 2018[/caption] ShindelRock is proud to return as a sponsor of the 2019 Ed Montie 5K, a run to support Kennedy's Disease research and those seeking a...

Welcome to the SR team, Julia Locke!

  • April 30, 2019
  • Steve Wisinski, CPA, MAFF

Staff Accountant Julia Locke Julia Locke has joined ShindelRock full-time as a Staff Accountant after a successful internship position! We're thrilled to continue to see our one-time interns become part of our permanent team here at ShindelRock. Julie says her...

What we’re listening to…

  • April 30, 2019
  • ShindelRock

The ShindelRock staff shares its favorite podcasts for 2019: Podcasts For Accounting & Tax Lovers: Yes, we tend to nerd out on accounting and tax issues (hey, we're CPAs!). Here are some of our favorite industry podcasts that keep up...

ShindelRock’s Karla Harrington featured on podcast “The Freelance Hustle”

Listen to the latest episode of "The Freelance Hustle", where ShindelRock Manager Karla Harrington guides listeners through choosing between different corporate entity structures; picking the right tax and accounting advisor for your needs (and how much it costs!); if your...

Meet the SR Staff: Julia Locke, Intern

Tax season is approaching, and ShindelRock intern Julia Locke is looking forward to working with the team on some of the 2,000+ returns the firm completes each year.  She was drawn to the opportunity at ShindelRock because "everyone I spoke...