High wage earners can consider a “backdoor” Roth IRA contribution

High wage earning clients often have a modified adjusted gross income that is too high to enable him or her to deduct a traditional IRA contribution or contribute directly to a Roth IRA. This is a very interesting article on...

Simplified Home Office Deduction

The IRS has recently announced a simplified safe harbor method that individuals may use to compute their home office deduction.  This safe harbor calculation is an alternative to the current calculation and allocation of actual expenses otherwise required under IRC...

Six Things Really Productive People Do

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but specific choices that allow some people to make the most of every day, and still feel happy and relaxed. From an INC. article titled “6 Things Really Productive People...

SCAM ALERT! Tax return identity theft is on the rise

Tax-related identity theft has increased substantially in the past couple of years.  More and more individuals are finding out that fraudulent tax returns have been filed under their social security number.  Not only does this create a reporting nightmare, but...

SR Glossary: Transfer on Death (TOD)

Dealing with a death in the family is an emotionally draining and challenging time, but having to struggle with assets that are held up in probate as well can cause even more pain unnecessarily. To help make sure your dependents...

All Retirement Income is Not Created (or Taxed) Equally

Whether you are nearing retirement or already retired, you may want to consider your retirement income needs. Budgeting for taxes and making sure your withdrawals will cover them could keep you from being caught off guard when the tax bill...

It’s April 16: See where your tax dollars are headed!

  • April 16, 2013
  • Steve Wisinski, CPA, MAFF

Check out this nifty tool offered by the White House to see where your federal tax dollars go: http://www.whitehouse.gov/2012-taxreceipt

Tax Day Question: What are my chances of getting audited?

The IRS recently released data showing that overall audits were down in fiscal 2012 to 1.03 percent of all tax returns filed, as compared with 1.11 percent the previous year. The results: The IRS Is Conducting Fewer Individual Audits, But...

Social Security Benefits: Key Considerations before You Make a Decision

As more Americans remain healthy well into their 80's or byond, the picture of retirement for those lucky folks could be changing.  Often, they have the capacity and interest (or need) to continue some form of work as a senior citizen. ...

SCAM ALERT: Don’t Fall for Phony IRS Websites

The Internal Revenue Service is issuing a warning about a new tax scam that uses a website that mimics the IRS e-Services online registration page. The actual IRS e-Services page offers web-based products for tax preparers, not the general public....